Following its investment of ₹4,000 crore in an integrated electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing plant in Tamil Nadu through its subsidiary VinFast, the Vietnamese conglomerate Vingroup is now exploring opportunities in Telangana, specifically in Hyderabad. The company is considering a major 1,000-acre smart city development around the city and has begun evaluating potential sites.
VinFast India’s leadership, led by CEO Pham Sanh Chau, recently met with Telangana’s industries minister, D. Sridhar Babu, to discuss various investment possibilities. The discussions included not only the smart city project but also the potential establishment of EV component manufacturing facilities in the state.
The focus of the talks was on large-scale public key infrastructure projects, sustainable urban mobility solutions, future city services, and social housing initiatives. The minister emphasized the need for enhanced urban infrastructure, including new satellite cities with reliable water, power, and transportation systems, as well as 5G-enabled smart mobility, healthcare, business infrastructure, and wellness facilities supported by social housing.
The minister also noted that Hyderabad is projected to accommodate half of Telangana’s population within the next 15 years due to rapid urban migration, which is putting significant strain on existing infrastructure. The state government is actively seeking partners to address these challenges.
Vingroup is already working on a $1.3 billion smart city project near Hanoi and shared its global smart city ambitions with the minister. Additionally, VinFast’s CEO has proposed a ₹4,000 crore EV and battery manufacturing plant in Andhra Pradesh to Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu.