Transforming Insurance using ChatGPT/OpenAI and other AI innovations

Jainendra Kumar, VP Digital Transformation Unit, Xceedance on streamlining insurance underwriting operations with AI and specifically...
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Web analytics in the era of Web3: A paradigm shift in the making

Anshuman Sharotri & Debamalya Choudhury, Infosys BPM on evolution of Web 3.0 and its impact on NLP powered web analytics.
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Adapting ‘I’ in ‘AI’: A diverse industry approach to Artificial Intelligence

Nishit Vora, Vice President Digital, Ex Think9 Consumer Technologies Pvt Ltd on application of AI across financial markets, imaging...
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Every CIOs Roadmap for a Successful Digital Transformation Journey

Vijay Vishwakarma, Head IT & Digital Transformation, Symphony Limited on digital transformation with AI at the core is an enabler...
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E.U. Parliament approves the AI Act: All you need to know about the future of regulating AI

Decoding the European Union Parliament AI Act as a significant step towards regulating and mitigating the risks associated with the use of AI.
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Preparing for the Unknown: Anticipating and Mitigating Risks in the AI Landscape

Understanding the significant risks and threats accompanying the proliferation of AI, and the need to approach AI adoption with prudence...
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What’s in Store for the Coming Month
Glimpses from the Month Gone By

The Global Agility Summit'2023
20 June 2023

Exclusive Cyber Resilience Boardroom - Safeguarding Cloud Infrastructure
23 June 2023
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