Krvvy, India’s first new-age functional innerwear and shapewear brand for women, has successfully raised Rs 6.1 crore in a pre-seed funding round co-led by Titan Capital and All In Capital. The funding round also saw participation from prominent angel investors including Nikita Gupta, Co-founder of Housepital, Emmanuel Suraj, CEO of DefinEquity, Anuj Jain, VP of Investwell, and Anubhav Jain, Head of Credit at Metalbook.
Founded in May 2024 by two engineering graduates, Yash Goyal and Anant Bhardwaj, Krvvy aims to revolutionize the Indian women’s innerwear experience by creating high-quality, functional, and comfortable products specifically designed to fit Indian body types. The brand’s core philosophy focuses on inclusivity and addressing the unique needs of women by offering innovative, seamless, and versatile innerwear solutions that go beyond conventional fashion-oriented products.
Krvvy’s innovative approach to innerwear is rooted in customer feedback, continuously refining their designs to ensure maximum comfort and functionality. This brand ethos of listening to the needs of the consumer positions Krvvy as a unique player in the evolving market for women’s innerwear and shapewear, distinguishing it from other brands that traditionally focus on aesthetics.
The funds raised in this pre-seed round will be pivotal in Krvvy’s plans to expand its footprint both online and offline across India. The direct-to-consumer (D2C) brand currently sells its products primarily through its website and leading marketplaces such as Amazon and Myntra. This investment will primarily be directed towards strengthening Krvvy’s research and development capabilities, allowing the company to diversify its product range and introduce new functional designs that cater to the increasing demand for comfortable and inclusive innerwear solutions for Indian women.
Yash Goyal, Co-founder and CEO of Krvvy, expressed his excitement about the funding, stating, “We are thrilled to welcome Titan Capital and All In Capital to our mission of redefining the women’s innerwear industry through innovative designs focused on functionality and comfort. This funding will allow us to expand our product range and make a greater impact in the market.”
The backing from Titan Capital and All In Capital highlights the potential of Krvvy to disrupt India’s women’s innerwear market, which is valued at over Rs 50,000 crore. Titan Capital’s spokesperson emphasized the brand’s emphasis on combining functionality, comfort, and style, noting that Krvvy is poised to transform the innerwear and shapewear market. The investor further highlighted the company’s ability to quickly iterate on designs and its strong customer-centric approach as key strengths that make it a promising player in this space.
As consumers increasingly prioritize comfort and functionality over fashion in the innerwear segment, Krvvy is tapping into the growing trend of body positivity and personalized options. This shift in consumer behavior, fueled by a desire for better-quality products and a focus on comfort, positions Krvvy as a disruptive force in the market. With a 40-fold growth in less than a year, the brand is well-equipped to scale rapidly and capture a significant share of the burgeoning market for women’s functional innerwear in India.
Aditya Singh, Co-founder of All In Capital, added, “With rising awareness and a growing movement of body positivity, Indian women are now more inclined to invest in innerwear that is comfortable and functional. Krvvy’s designs are well-positioned to meet this demand and potentially disrupt the market.”
Krvvy’s progress thus far underscores the brand’s potential to reshape the future of women’s innerwear in India, and with the latest funding round, it is poised for significant expansion in the coming months. As the demand for high-quality, functional innerwear grows, Krvvy is set to establish itself as a leading name in the industry.